Tuesday 6 March 2018

Ease of Mini Dental Implants

Loss of natural teeth is a huge traumatic situation where a person can lose confidence and smile. Mini dental implant permits to retain missing teeth and speak normally with full confidence without any hesitation to smile.

Mini Dental Implant (MDI):-

In general words, Mini Dental Implant (MDI) is an ideal way to replacing missing teeth and this technology is perfect for the makeover of the missing teeth. The structure of the mini dental implant is more shorten in size approx 1.8 to 3.3 mm in diameter and 10 to 15 mm long i.e., almost half in size of the full dental implant. The composition of (MDI) is made of the chemical ‘titanium’ and with the aid of surgery, its places and adjoins into jawbones beneath the area of gum line that permits implantologist to settle a crown on top of that to gives a natural appearance. Unlike traditional dental implant, the mini dental implant does not require an abutment because a mini implant contains a small ball at its end.


Best Mini Dental Implant Chennai:-

Parasu Dental Hospital situated in Chennai is the best dental care provides all ranges of dental health care, professional dental implant services, surgeries and Laser Dental approach. It offers an upgraded level of laser dental treatments. Their technicians certified in the prosthetic procedures and work together with the implantologist and patient for better results. Parasu Dental Hospital owns experienced team of Implantologists, dentist, specialists and lab technicians who are dedicated professionals.

Mini implants are divided into two parts. One is where a titanium post attaches to a ball on the end and another is a socket accompanied by a rubber O-ring that connects the tooth to the post.



The requirement of the mini dental implant 

  • Appropriate for who seeks instant and easy solution. 
  • It is suitable when patients do not have necessary amount of bones in the mouth.
  • It is more cost-effective compared to traditional implant
  • Application of the Minimal invasive surgical protocol
  • There is no sutures are given
  • Immediate fixation of the denture
  • It can fix in narrow ridges
  • Possible in few one or two visits 
  • New teeth/implant can practice same day.
Implantologists examine the affected area by performing X-ray and afterwards, fix mini implant with the help of local anaesthesia in a single day only. Just as a natural teeth mini dental implant also requires the same type of care as brush twice with fluoride toothpaste. After completion, the gums become sensitive so dentist recommends cleaning them with an extra soft-bristled toothbrush.

Mail us @ chennaidentalimplantsclinic@gmail.com
Visit @ chennaidentalimplantsclinic.com