Tuesday 26 September 2017

Teeth-in-an-Hour At Parasu dental hospital, Chennai

Dental implant in one hour is a computer-assisted implant technique to provide patient new tooth or teeth in around one hour and avoid wait period of six months between first and second stage of implant process. Dental implant in an hour is an instant procedure in which implants and replacements of teeth can be done in one sitting.


Right Candidate for Dental Implant in one hour

The procedure is good for the people who do not want to wait for six months gap period between two stages. The procedure can be performed on the person who has
  • Enough jawbone density
  • Have no teeth
  • Planning to extract all tooth from top jaw or bottom jaw or both

 The one-hour dental implant procedure

One hour dental implant process is performed by using a virtual reality software and CT scan.  A prefabricated bridge is tailored over the implants. 

With the help of technology, the dentist may identify the precise location of the dental implants and place them in one sitting. The bridge and implants are fitted precisely in the surgical sites so; there is no visible requirement for healing time. 

A vast appealing non-removable bridge is also developed before performing the actual process. Later, this non-removable bridge is also fused with the abutments and gives the patient a perfect smile. 

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants in one hour?

Benefits of dental implants in one hour
  • Highly accurate, safe and aesthetic procedure
  • Implants look like natural teeth
  • Use virtually painless dental implant treatment
  • Makes teeth beautiful in one day
  • Avoids any further loss of jawbone
  • Develops strong and dense bones
  • Dental implants start functioning just after the process
  • Saves effort and time

Parasu dental hospital, Chennai is the best place for dental implants in India as it provides best services at economic cost. The hospital has qualified and reliable doctors to treat dental implants. The hospital has all the modern techniques to treat dental implants.

For more:

Mail us: chennaidentalimplantsclinic@gmail.com